Why do we prefer trapezoidal footings over pad footings?

Why do we prefer trapezoidal footings over pad footings?

When constructing a building, it’s very crucial to ensure a foundation that is stable and can withstand the loads exerted upon it. Footings play an important role in transfering the weight of the structure to the ground. There are different types of footings available, each having its own set of advantages and applications. In this article, we will explore the reasons why trapezoidal footings are often preferred over pad footings in various construction projects. Definition and Purpose of Footings Footings are structural elements that are casted below ground level to…

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The Math Behind Load Transfer Mechanisms in Framed Structures


What is a Framed Structure? A framed structure is a type of construction that is made up of various structural elements, such as slabs, beams, columns, and foundations, that work together to transfer and distribute loads throughout the building. Load Transfer Mechanism in Framed Structures: The load transfer mechanism in a framed structure refers to the way that loads are transmitted from one element to another and eventually to the ground. In a framed structure, loads are introduced into the structure through various means, such as gravity, wind, earthquakes, and…

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What is Strong column weak beam concept?

Strong column-weak beam concept

Structural engineering is a field that involves the design and construction of structures such as buildings, bridges, and other large-scale projects. One important principle that is often used in this field is the concept of “strong columns and weak beams.” This concept suggests that the columns of a structure should be designed to be stronger and more rigid than the beams. This is because columns are typically subjected to compressive forces, which try to push them inward, while beams are subjected to bending and flexural stresses, which try to deform…

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Why do we prefer Under-Reinforced sections over Balanced or Over-Reinforced sections?

Why do we prefer Under Reinforced sections over balanced or over reinforced sections

When it comes to designing RCC beams, there are several options to consider when it comes to the amount of reinforcement used. Generally, we have 3 types of sections. i.e. In this article, I’m going to explain to you all the three sections in detail and at the end, we will discuss, Why do we prefer Under-Reinforced sections over Balanced or Over-Reinforced sections?   1. Balanced Section: If we talk about the Balanced section, this type of section is designed in such a way that, if we apply load on…

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Difference between Load-Bearing structure and Framed structure

difference between load bearing structure and framed structure

The two most common structural systems used in building construction are load-bearing structures and framed structures. In load-bearing structures the walls are designed to carry the weight of the building, transferring it directly to the earth. In contrast, a framed structure is a type of building design where the load is carried by an external frame or skeleton. The external frame of a framed structure is made up of columns and beams that are connected together to form a grid-like structure. The walls of a framed structure are typically non-load…

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Important points related to the Design of Beams

Important points related to the Design of Beams In this article, I’m going to discuss some important points related to the design of RCC beams which are going to be very much helpful to all of you. As per IS 13920-2016, Cl 6.1.1; For beams of rectangular cross-section, It shall always be preferred to have a Width to Depth ratio greater than 0.3. i.e., If Bw is the width of beam and D be its depth; Bw/D > 0.3 While deciding the size of an RCC beam, The minimum width…

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Important concepts related to the design of columns (Every Civil Engineer must know)

Important concepts related to the design of columns Columns play an important role in a building structure. Their main function is to carry the loads from the superstructure and finally transmit the load to the foundation. In this article I’m going to discuss some important concepts related to the design of RCC columns in which I will discuss the definition of a column as per the code, what are long columns and short columns, the Detailing of reinforcement for columns, and finally I will discuss the terms Nominal Cover, Clear…

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